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Amfori BSCI: Our Dedication to Sustainable Trade and Ethical Standards

Technotape has been a member of Amfori BSCI since 2016, a global business association for sustainable trade. This ensures that our products comply with international labor laws, without the use of child labor or discrimination. We prioritize a safe and healthy work environment and basic human rights for workers. We believe in contributing to this cause for a decent international working standard, benefiting everyone.

Amfori BSCI For You

11 Principles of the code of conduct

The rights of Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining

The rights of Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining

In accordance with the amfori BSCI Code of Conduct, business partners are expected to respect workers' rights to form unions in a free and democratic manner, avoid discrimination based on trade union membership, and support workers' rights to collectively bargain. Workers' representatives must also be allowed access to workers and interaction with them. Even in countries where trade union activity is restricted, business partners must allow workers to elect their own representatives for dialogue about workplace issues.

No Discrimination

No Discrimination

The text discusses the importance of Amfori BSCI certification, which signifies a company's commitment to sustainable and ethical trade practices. The certification ensures compliance with international labor laws, including no use of child labor and no discrimination. This helps contribute to corporate social responsibility by having a responsible purchasing strategy. While businesses can communicate their responsible purchasing, it is not allowed to appropriate the certification itself. This reinforces the importance of upholding ethical trade practices and contributing to a fair and safe working environment for all.

Fair Remuneration

Fair Remuneration

In order to respect workers' rights to healthy working and living conditions, business partners must comply with occupational health and safety regulations and establish systems to detect, assess, avoid, and respond to potential threats. They should also provide access to medical assistance, safe drinking water, and clean eating and resting areas. Additionally, vulnerable individuals like young workers and persons with disabilities should receive special protection, and equipment and buildings must be maintained for stability and safety.


Decent Working Hours

Business partners must ensure that workers are not required to work more than 48 regular hours per week, except in exceptional cases defined by the ILO. In such cases, overtime should be exceptional, voluntary, paid at a premium rate of not less than one and one-quarter times the regular rate, and not represent a significantly higher likelihood of occupational hazards. Workers should have rest breaks every working day and at least one day off in every seven days, unless exceptions defined by collective agreements apply. The amfori BSCI recognizes exceptions specified by the ILO, and national laws, industry standards, or collective agreements must be interpreted within the ILO's international framework.

Occupational Health and Safety

Occupational Health and Safety

In summary, business partners are required to prioritize the health and safety of workers and local communities, particularly vulnerable individuals. They should comply with occupational health and safety regulations, establish systems to prevent potential hazards, and take measures to ensure the stability and safety of equipment and buildings used by workers. Additionally, they must provide access to basic needs such as clean water, safe and clean eating and resting areas, and personal protective equipment.

No Child Labour

No Child Labour

To protect children from exploitation, business partners must not employ those below the minimum age of completion of compulsory schooling, which is generally 15 years, except for recognized exceptions by the ILO. They must establish age-verification mechanisms that respect workers and aim to prevent the dismissal of children that could lead to more hazardous work. Business partners should proactively identify measures to protect affected children and consider offering decent work to adult household members. By following this principle, business partners ensure that children are not exposed to harmful working conditions and receive an education.

Special Protection for Young Workers

Special Protection for Young Workers

Business partners must protect young workers from working at night and from any work that may harm their health, safety, morals, or development. They should ensure that the work assigned to young workers is not harmful and does not affect their attendance at school, training programs, or vocational orientation. They must establish mechanisms to identify and prevent any harm to young workers, provide access to grievance mechanisms and Occupational Health and Safety training programs. This principle aims to ensure that young workers are not exploited and receive a quality education and training.

No Precarious Employment

No Precarious Employment

Business partners must follow this principle by ensuring that their workers are not put into social or economic vulnerability due to their employment relationship. They must provide workers with understandable information about their rights, responsibilities, working hours, remuneration, and terms of payment before employment. Business partners should provide decent working conditions to support workers, including caregivers and migrant or seasonal workers with children. Employment arrangements should comply with national laws and international labor standards, not deliberately circumvent them.

No Bonded Labour

No Bonded Labour

Business partners must avoid any form of forced labor, including servitude, bonded, indentured, trafficked, or non-voluntary labor. They will be held complicit if they benefit from such labor used by their partners. Migrant workers must be recruited with special care, and all workers have the right to leave work and terminate their employment with reasonable notice. Business partners must ensure that their workers are not subjected to inhumane or degrading treatment, physical or mental coercion, corporal punishment, or verbal abuse. Written disciplinary procedures must be established and clearly communicated to workers.

Protection of the Environment

Protection of the Environment

Business partners must prioritize environmental responsibility by avoiding environmental degradation, as per this principle. They should evaluate the environmental impact of their operations and establish policies and procedures to prevent harm to natural resources, communities and the environment. It is important for business partners to take adequate measures to minimize adverse effects and work towards sustainable practices. This principle does not affect other expectations set out in this chapter.


Ethical Business Behaviour

Business partners must avoid any involvement in corruption, extortion, embezzlement or bribery, including promising, offering, giving, or accepting any improper incentives. They should maintain accurate records and disclose them in accordance with regulations and industry standards. Business partners should not falsify information or misrepresent the supply chain. They should handle personal information with reasonable care and comply with privacy and information security laws. Business partners should assess the significant impact of their activities on the environment and establish effective policies and procedures that reflect their environmental responsibility. They should implement measures to prevent adverse effects on the community, natural resources, and environment.

What is Amfori BSCI?

Amfori BSCI is a global business association promoting sustainable and ethical trade practices. Its framework allows companies to assess and improve social and environmental performance in their supply chains. Members commit to respecting human rights, promoting fair working conditions, and protecting the environment. They benefit from resources for training, auditing, and risk assessment, and collaborate with other members to address common challenges. Amfori BSCI helps ensure products are manufactured in a fair and safe working environment that respects basic human rights.

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What does Amfori mean to you? 

Discover more about Amfori here, but remember, you can't claim the certification, only your responsible buying practices.

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