Celebrate First Holy Communion with personal sublimation gifts from Technotape!

By Susan Oberndorff | Last updated 26 januari 2023

"Spring is just around the corner and that also means that the churches are filling up again with new communicants! There's a good chance that one of your little relatives will also have their turn and that means it's time for a good present! What's better than making a personalized gift? With Technotape's sublimation photo products, we make exactly that super easy for you! Here are some ideas in a row!"

Sublimation communion gifts for the communicant!

Be the favorite uncle or aunt by giving your nephew/niece a personal photo gift! For example, sublimate a cherished family photo in this beautiful necklace with a heart-shaped locket. A sublimated photo in the locket will last much longer than a cut-out photo!

Or sublimate several photos on this bracelet with 3 charms! For example, print 3 precious family portraits on it. The bracelet and necklace are the perfect pieces of jewelery to complete the communicant's outfit!

A heart medallion or bracelet a little too cute for your communicant? Then go for a personal sublimation keychain or magnet, on which you can, for example, print a group photo of all communicants together with the text 'My First Holy Communion'. With this sublimation gift, the communicant will never forget this special day!

Photo gifts to remember the communion party forever!

At the end of communion, give the whole family a sublimated cross with a communion photo on it as a reminder. Or go for this mahogany cross with hardboard sublimation plate!

A sleek alternative is this hexagon sublimation photo panel with stand that you can easily place in the windowsill!

Photo gifts for the communion party!

Give the whole communion group their own button gift with a dove of peace and their name on it. This way all guests at the communion party know exactly who the communicants are and the communicants have a small memento of their big day!

During their communion lessons, the communicants prepare communion bread, which they receive during the communion. Hand out the bread in personalized storage tins with everyone's name and communion photo on it! After eating the bread, the communicants can use the tin to store all received communion cards from friends and family! A fun and multifunctional sublimation gift!

Would you like to discover more communion gifts? Scroll through all our sublimation articles on our website!

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