Treat your mom on Mother’s Day with personalized sublimation gifts!

By Susan Oberndorff | Last updated 5 January 2023

"Sunday the 14th its Mother’s Day! How are you going to treat your mother? Create an extra special day, by giving your mom not just a box of chocolates, but some personalized and fun gifts! Thanks to our sublimation technology and products, we make this very easy for you! Check out our Mother’s Day-ideas below."

Make your mom a breakfast in bed on Mother’s Day

Your mom deserves a luxury room-service breakfast, and not just one! Present her breakfast on this printable tray in a wooden style for if your mom is aspiring a more rustic style. With the help of our sublimation technique, you can print a personal photo or photo of a drawing that the kids made for their mom on the serving tray. Or sublimate it with a flower-print and bring the spring inside your home!

At a Mother’s Day breakfast, a proper mom-mug can’t be missed! Chances are that your mom already has one, but level-up this year with our sublimation mug with hart-grip. The size of the mug is perfect for a cappuccino at breakfast! Personalize this mug by printing a funny picture of your mom on it or a quote like: ‘Best mom in the world!’ 

Mother’s Day Activities with a personal flavor!

Show you baking skills and spend your Mother’s Day baking cookies in the kitchen together! After your cookies roll out of the oven, you can store them in this personalized hartshaped aluminum tin. Print a funny text on it like: ‘Stay Away: These treats are only for moms!’ or print it with a family picture or print.  

Would you rather spend your Mother’s Day outside of the house? Then give your mom a sublimated and personalized beachbag and take her to the beach! Delivered in multiple colors. In this way, she will be totally prepared to proudly strut around the beach with her new bag: what feels better than that? 

Do you want more inspiration on what kind of printed products you can give to your mom on Mother’s Day?

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