Why is my VAT number showing as incorrect?

In order to use our website in any European Union country, it's necessary to have a valid VAT number. We use the official EU VIES-check to verify this number. If you're having trouble with the registration process due to your VAT number, it might be because of the following issues:

  • Incorrect Format: Make sure you enter your VAT number in the correct format, like NL805110896B01, which is also Technotape's VAT number used in the examples. You can find the correct format for your country here.
  • Missing Country Code: Your VAT number should include the country code, like NL805110896B01, not just 805110896B01.
  • Invalid Characters: Avoid using incorrect characters like dots, spaces, or other symbols in the VAT number. For example, NL.805.110 896 B01 is not acceptable.
  • Cross-Country Sales: Some VAT numbers may not be suitable for cross-border sales. In such cases, you may need to apply for a specific EU-compliant VAT number from your local tax authorities. You can check the validity of your VAT number for our shop by using the VIES-check here: https://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/#/vat-validation

If your VAT number is valid, you should receive a positive result as shown below.