Digital Factory OKI Edition is an advanced RIP program developed by Cadlink, specifically designed for OKI white toner printers. This software package offers extensive features for color management and print production to optimize your workflow.

With Digital Factory OKI TT, you can accelerate your production process and benefit from extensive options for setting colors and halftones. The program makes it easy to apply different settings to different images on one page, thanks to its intuitive drag-and-drop system.

Experience the benefits of the new software, which enables automatic design and cropping for effortless import of commonly used file formats. With advanced color management and selective white toner control, it provides optimal color rendering and reproduction while adjusting image properties to personal preference. Additionally, you can save up to 40% on printing costs thanks to selective reduction of white toner and improved wash resistance through rasterized designs. Discover all the possibilities that this software offers for your production process.


  • Professional software developer
  • Software for OKI White Toner Printers
  • Compatible with commonly used file formats

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